Monday, March 13, 2023

Building Wealth in Later Life: Investment Opportunities for the Fourth Quarter (Ages 55-65)

The Starter Investor Tips on Investing for the 55-65 Age Group

Effective from our update on April 5, 2023, we have rebranded from Marginal Investor to The Starter Investor. For additional details, please visit our About Us page.

Updated April 6, 2023

AT THIS STAGE OF LIFE, is it possible to end the fourth quarter of the game of money with something significant, even if you only have a small amount to start with? Our life has come full circle since we started this blog in 2009, and we find ourselves back to square one. But now, in the so-called "fourth quarter of life" (ages 55-65, arbitrarily), we're determined to make the most of what we have. To begin with, we have a budget of Php5,000.00, and we're ready to explore our investment options.

Game of money

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, breaks the game of money into four quarters, each representing a ten-year period of a person's life. These quarters are 25 to 35 (first quarter), 35 to 45 (second quarter), 45 to 55 (third quarter), and 55 to 65 (fourth quarter). Kiyosaki encourages people to increase their financial intelligence to retire young and start enjoying life instead of working hard all their life and being old. You may watch the video presentation entitled Investing In The four quarters Of Life -Robert Kiyosaki by The Rich Dad Channel in YouTube. 

Quarters of life

You may also read an excerpt to to a self-improvement meeting shared by Cori&BelleFOUR QUARTERS OF LIFE - THE REAL GAME OF LIFE ( discussing the same concept. In summary, the speaker used an analogy from Robert Kiyosaki's book 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' to break down life into four quarters, with each quarter representing a 10-year interval. The first quarter represents the time from age 25-35 when most people are focused on building their careers and establishing themselves. The second quarter represents the time from age 35-45, when people focus on family and material possessions. The third quarter represents the time from age 45-55, when people start to worry about retirement and wonder if they have saved enough. The fourth quarter represents the time from age 55 and up, when people may have to work past retirement age and have regrets about how they played the game of life.

Our understanding

To our mind, we understood the four quarters of the game of money this way:

  • First quarter (age 25-35): Focused on building a career and laying the foundation for future success.
  • Second quarter (age 35-45): Focused on expanding wealth and building businesses.
  • Half-Time or the Mid-Life Crisis
  • Third quarter (age 45-55): Focused on maximizing wealth, enjoying the fruits of one's labor, and planning for retirement.
  • Fourth quarter (age 55-65): Focused on preparing for retirement, spending time with loved ones, pursuing personal interests, and giving back to the community.
  • Overtime (age 65 and beyond): Focused on retirement, legacy building, and enjoying the later stages of life.

Retirement fund options

In a blog post titled 5 of the Best Retirement Fund Methods in the Philippines on, Sheen Moringa listed several options, including pension plans, Personal Equity Retirement Account (PERA), investment funds, and real estate. Experts recommend investing in multiple plans or a combination of these options for long-term financial security.

Building wealth guide

In an article published on titled Building Wealth: A Step-By-Step Guide, the author imoney, discusses the four phases of financial life, which are similar to those proposed by Robert Kiyosaki. Francisco Colayco, the founder of Colayco Financial Education, has been helping Filipinos manage their money and build wealth since the early 2000s. Colayco divides financial life into four phases: Start-up, Build-up, Asset allocation, and Retirement. According to him, the key to progressing from one phase to the next is to increase passive income through saving and investing. To move up to the next financial phase, individuals must increase their passive income by setting financial goals for each life phase. Colayco warns against three major mistakes: premature acquisition of assets, living beyond one's means, and falling for scams.

Best investments in 2023

Moneymax Editorial Team has a longer list in its blog post titled Reach Your Financial Goals with the Best Investments in the Philippines. Marvin Fausto, founding President of the Fund Managers Association of the Philippines (FMAP), advises investing with a purpose. Some of the best investments in the Philippines with great earning potential in 2023 and beyond include time deposits, money market funds, short-term corporate bond funds, high-yield savings accounts, GInvest, and certificates of deposits. For low-risk investments with short investment durations, it is best to choose liquid assets such as time deposits and money market funds. For medium-term goals, it's best to put money in a mix of risky and less risky investments, including Balanced funds and equity-based UITFs and Pag-IBIG MP2. For long-term goals, one can invest in mutual funds, equity funds, bond funds, real estate investment trusts, and the stock market.

Best investment based on one's budget

The article titled How To Grow Your Money: 21 Best Investments in the Philippines for Any Age or Income written by Moanna Santos in FilipiKnow, provides guidance on choosing the best investment based on one's budget, risk profile, age, and investment goals. The aim of investing is to build wealth over time, protect money from inflation, provide passive income, and reach financial goals faster. There are many investment options to evaluate, and the article offers advice on whether to start investing with a small or large amount, whether a fund manager is worth it, and whether investing in stocks is better than real estate. The article lists 21 best investments in the Philippines for any age or income.

GInvest: Our Budget-Friendly Investment Option

To meet our budget constraints, we require an investment option that starts with a modest amount of Php5,000. Grace Maala's YugaTech article GCash’s GInvest: What you need to know, provides valuable insights on how to begin investing using the platform. Although the article was published on May 10, 2021, and some changes to GInvest have since been made, it still serves as an excellent guide. Marginal Investor suggests giving it a read.

From vision to action

To start investing with GInvest, we need to have funds in our GCash account. You can fund your GCash account through various channels such as bank transfers, online payment platforms, or by going to a GCash partner outlet. Once we have funds in our GCash account, we can start investing in GInvest.

And there you have it, a fresh start towards a new beginning of investing for the fourth quarter of life.

Join us as we embark on our investment journey! We are currently in the process of getting verified, and as soon as we're ready, we'll start investing with our Php5,000.00 starting capital. Stay tuned as we share our progress with you.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

BPITrade Review for 2009

The Starter Investor Reviews BPI Trade for 2009

Effective from our update on April 5, 2023, we have rebranded from Marginal Investor to The Starter Investor. For additional details, please visit our About Us page.

NOTE: This is an old post and most of the details are not current anymore. We are not updating this post anymore since its posting on June 25, 2009. So readers are advised to go straight to the BPI Trade website for signing up and other details. Here is the link to the BPI Trade FAQs:


BPITRADE WEBSITE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for the beginning stock trader and investor and to anyone who may or may not have any prior experience in the stock market. BPITrade website is neat. BPITrade website is convenient. BPITrade website is functional.

BPITrade is neat

The BPITrade homepage looks plain and is almost bare. But surprisingly, or more importantly -- like what Marginal Stock Trader would like to say -- it covers the essentials.

BPITrade TaglineOther than the BPITrade logo and the VeriSign image link, there is just one other image.

This image is a composite of several pictures showing from different vantage points, the trading floor of the Philippine Stock Exhange or PSE, and the facade of Tower One Ayala Triangle building where the PSE maintains a trading floor.

Within this image is shown the BPITrade tagline: Online Stock Trading... Anytime... Anywhere...

The street address of the PSE is:
Philippine Stock Exchange Plaza
Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue,
Makati City 1226

Going back to the BPITrade homepage, the left-hand-side navigation bar contains eight links, namely:
  • Sign In
  • Apply Now
  • Online Tour
  • Learn More
  • Contact Us
  • Home Page
  • BPI Direct
  • BPI Online
BPITrade Navigation BarBased on experience of the past three months, about 90% of the time Marginal Stock Trader used only the Sign In link, the most important link, to get access to his BPITrade account.

BPITrade is convenient

What more could you ask for in an online stock trading platform but simplicity and convenience.

Marginal Stock Trader
only wants to do online stock trading. BPITrade Cash Flow ProcessSimple.

Put in the money. Buy and sell stocks to your heart's content. Take out some or all the profits anytime you want to. Leave the rest of the funds behind.

Then, you get paper copies of statements of account, official receipts, and other documents for records purposes along the way. All these and more are available with BPITrade.

The best thing about BPITrade is that it can be conveniently linked to your other Bank of the Philippine Islands or BPI account through BPI Internet Banking platform BPI Exress Online at

BPITrade is functional
Typically, one or two clicks are enough to get to the section you wanted when navigating the BPITrade website. Buying and selling stocks are completed in only a few simple steps.

Let us take for example the procedure for buying or selling 20 shares of stocks of Ayala Corporation:
Click on
Trading > stocks
to land on Order Entry page
BPITrade Stock Trading link
Click on radio button BUY if you are buying or SELL if you are selling, then type stock symbol (AC for Ayala Corporation), number of shares to buy or sell, also bid or offer price, and then click on Submit button.BPITrade Order Entry page
Type your BPITrade password and click confirm.BPITrade Order Confirmation
Trading stocks menu offers the following pages: Order Entry, Order Information, Symbol List and Broker List.

Other links available on the left-hand-side navigation bar when you log in to your BPItrade account are:
  • Market Info
  • Portfolio
  • News
  • Research
  • Services
  • Learn More
  • Sign Out
Excluding the Sign Out link, about 80% of the time Marginal Stock Trader clicks on the links Market Info, Portfolio and Services.

Market Info

Market Info link gives us the following pages: Market Info, Stock Info, Quote Page, Time and Sales, Most Active, Top Gainers/Losers, Top Buy/Sell and Ticker Tape [ ON / OFF ] .

Most of the time, Marginal Stock Trader is glued to the Time and Sales and the Stock Info pages to check on prices, volume of trade and other information.


Now, when we click on the Portfolio link, we get the information about our Authorized Cash Position, Available Cash Position and Stock Position.

Favorite pages
In accordance with Marginal Stock Trader goals, his favorite pages are:
  • Time and Sales
  • Portfolio
  • Order Entry and
  • Services

Client Services

Services or Client Services page offers the following options for BPITrade clients:

Setup E-mail/Cellphone for Alerts
Allows you to change e-mail address or cellular phone number used for alerts.

Build Your Alert Profile
Allows you to specify high/low prices for alerts.

BPITrade Bank Account Funding
Information on how to add funds to your BPITrade Bank Account.

Withdrawal Request
Allows you to transfer funds from your BPI Trade Account to your settlement account.

Stock Trading Statement of Account
Allows you to view your Stock Trading Statement of Account.

Stock Trading Transaction History
Allows you to view your Stock Trading Transaction History.

Fixed Income Transaction History
Allows you to view your Fixed Income Transaction History.

Mutual Funds Quarterly Financial Statement
Allows you to view your Mutual Funds Quarterly Financial Statement.

Mutual Funds Transaction History
Allows you to view your Mutual Funds Transaction History.

Change Account Information
Updates your Personal Information.

Change Password
Allows you to change your existing password.

Sign In Trail
Allows you to view your sign-in history.

Comments/Contact Us
Allows clients to send in their comments and other issues.

Admittedly, BPITrade does not have the usual bells and whistles of similar commercial websites. Nevertheless, it gets the job done to the full satisfaction of The Starter Investor.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ayala Corporation Stock Investment Update

The Starter Investor Tracks AC Investment Yield

Effective from our update on April 5, 2023, we have rebranded from Marginal Investor to The Starter Investor. For additional details, please visit our About Us page.

AYALA CORPORATION (AC) STOCK INVESTMENT YIELD for the original 10 shares of stocks bought February 1, 2007, is tracked through this post and updated regularly.

Details of acquisition of these shares were mentioned in a previous post Buy Stocks or Hold Cash in High Market Levels.

Upliftment of Shares

A request for upliftment or withdrawal of the AC shares was forwarded on February 16, 2007 to BPI Trade. Upliftment means the issuance of the AC stock certificate in our name.

The uplifted AC stock certificate was received May 22, 2007 after over 3 months of waiting.

Marginal Investing

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines the word marginal as "close to the lower limit of qualification, acceptability, or function: barely exceeding the minimum requirements" among other definitions presented.

This description fits exactly where Marginal Investor is in terms of his investment in Ayala Corporation: starting with the purchase of just one board lot of 10 shares, the minimum buy order for this issue.

Investment Yield Update

The total cost of the 10 shares including the total buy price and BPI Trade upliftment fee is 6,515 pesos. The cash dividends and other receipts net after tax to date are indicated as follows:




Cash Dividend
per Share
Cash Dividend
Net After Tax &
Other Receipts

Cash Receipts
To Date

































Last Update: April 30,2009

This post tracks the performance of the Starter Investor Stock Portfolio consisting of just one issue: the common stock of Ayala Corporation.

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